Saturday, October 25, 2008


前文化艺术与文物部副部长拿督黄锦鸿与马华梳邦区会主席李伟杰鉴证了我们的结业礼。 在此也衷心感谢支持与协助我们完成这结业礼的好朋友。
Formal Minister Of Art, Cultural & Heritage Datok Wong Kum Hoong and MCA Subang Division Chairman Lee Wei Kiat had invited to official our ceremony. Also thanks to our friend who had help and support us to organise this event.

有缘相识,我们能共聚一堂探讨各自不同的专长,嗜好,见解等。其一是看电影,说电影。。现在我们也制作短片, 在此和大家分享一些我们制作的短片。
This is a HUB, for us to share our skill, interest, command... Once of our interest are Movie, we watch movie, discuss.... and now we produce, we would like to share some of our production.